Sunday, June 13, 2021

Arduino Uno API

Arduino programs can be divided in three main parts: structure, values (variables and constants), and functions.
  1. Structure

    1. setup()

      The setup() function is called when a sketch starts. Use it to initialize variables, pin modes, start using libraries, etc. The setup function will only run once, after each powerup or reset of the Arduino board.
    2. loop()

      After creating a setup() function, which initializes and sets the initial values
      the loop() function does precisely what its name suggests, and loops consecutively, allowing your program to change and respond.
      Use it to actively control the Arduino board.
    3. Control Structures

      • if (conditional) and ==, !=, <, > (comparison operators)

        if, which is used in conjunction with a comparison operator, tests whether a certain condition has been reached, such as an input being above a certain number
      • if / else

        if/else allows greater control over the flow of code than the basic if statement, by allowing multiple tests to be grouped together.
        For example, an analog input could be tested and one action taken if the input was less than 500, and another action taken if the input was 500 or greater
        else can proceed another if test, so that multiple, mutually exclusive tests can be run at the same time.
        Each test will proceed to the next one until a true test is encountered. When a true test is found, its associated block of code is run, and the program then skips to the line following the entire if/else construction.
        If no test proves to be true, the default else block is executed, if one is present, and sets the default behavior.
        Note that an else if block may be used with or without a terminating else block and vice versa.
        Another way to express branching, mutually exclusive tests, is with the switch case statement.
      • for statements

        The for statement is used to repeat a block of statements enclosed in curly braces. An increment counter is usually used to increment and terminate the loop. The for statement is useful for any repetitive operation, and is often used in combination with arrays to operate on collections of data/pins.
        There are three parts to the for loop header:
        for (initialization; condition; increment) {
        The initialization happens first and exactly once.
        Each time through the loop, the condition is tested;
        if it's true, the statement block, and the increment is executed, then the condition is tested again.
        When the condition becomes false, the loop ends.
      • switch / case statements

        Like if statements, controls the flow of programs by allowing programmers to specify different code that should be executed in various conditions.
        In particular, a switch statement compares the value of a variable to the values specified in case statements.
        When a case statement is found whose value matches that of the variable, the code in that case statement is run
        The break keyword exits the switch statement, and is typically used at the end of each case.
        Without a break statement, the switch statement will continue executing the following expressions ("falling-through") until a break, or the end of the switch statement is reached.
        switch (var) {
          case label:
            // statements
          case label:
            // statements
            // statements
        var: the variable whose value to compare to the various cases
        label: a value to compare the variable to
        switch (var) {
            case 1:
              //do something when var equals 1
            case 2:
              //do something when var equals 2
              // if nothing else matches, do the default
              // default is optional
      • while loops

        while loops will loop continuously, and infinitely, until the expression inside the parenthesis, () becomes false.
        Something must change the tested variable, or the while loop will never exit.
        This could be in your code, such as an incremented variable, or an external condition, such as testing a sensor.
          // statement(s)
        expression - a (boolean) C statement that evaluates to true or false
        var = 0;
        while(var < 200){
          // do something repetitive 200 times
      • do - while

        The do loop works in the same manner as the while loop, with the exception that the condition is tested at the end of the loop, so the do loop will always run at least once.
            // statement block
        } while (test condition);
          delay(50);          // wait for sensors to stabilize
          x = readSensors();  // check the sensors
        } while (x < 100);
      • break

        break is used to exit from a do, for, or while loop, bypassing the normal loop condition. It is also used to exit from a switch statement.
      • continue

        The continue statement skips the rest of the current iteration of a loop (do, for, or while). It continues by checking the conditional expression of the loop, and proceeding with any subsequent iterations.
      • return

        Terminate a function and return a value from a function to the calling function, if desired.
        return value; // both forms are valid
        value: any variable or constant type
      • goto

        Transfers program flow to a labeled point in the program
        goto label; // sends program flow to the label
        The use of goto is discouraged in C programming, and some authors of C programming books claim that the goto statement is never necessary, but used judiciously, it can simplify certain programs. The reason that many programmers frown upon the use of goto is that with the unrestrained use of goto statements, it is easy to create a program with undefined program flow, which can never be debugged.
        With that said, there are instances where a goto statement can come in handy, and simplify coding. One of these situations is to break out of deeply nested for loops, or if logic blocks, on a certain condition.
    4. Further Syntax

      • ; (semicolon)

        Used to end a statement.
        int a = 13;
        Forgetting to end a line in a semicolon will result in a compiler error.
        The error text may be obvious, and refer to a missing semicolon, or it may not.
        If an impenetrable or seemingly illogical compiler error comes up, one of the first things to check is a missing semicolon, in the immediate vicinity, preceding the line at which the compiler complained.
      • {} Curly Braces

        Curly braces (also referred to as just "braces" or as "curly brackets") are a major part of the C programming language. They are used in several different constructs, outlined below, and this can sometimes be confusing for beginners.
        An opening curly brace "{" must always be followed by a closing curly brace "}". This is a condition that is often referred to as the braces being balanced. The Arduino IDE (integrated development environment) includes a convenient feature to check the balance of curly braces. Just select a brace, or even click the insertion point immediately following a brace, and its logical companion will be highlighted.
        At present this feature is slightly buggy as the IDE will often find (incorrectly) a brace in text that has been "commented out."
        Beginning programmers, and programmers coming to C from the BASIC language often find using braces confusing or daunting. After all, the same curly braces replace the RETURN statement in a subroutine (function), the ENDIF statement in a conditional and the NEXT statement in a FOR loop.
        Because the use of the curly brace is so varied, it is good programming practice to type the closing brace immediately after typing the opening brace when inserting a construct which requires curly braces. Then insert some carriage returns between your braces and begin inserting statements. Your braces, and your attitude, will never become unbalanced.
        Unbalanced braces can often lead to cryptic, impenetrable compiler errors that can sometimes be hard to track down in a large program. Because of their varied usages, braces are also incredibly important to the syntax of a program and moving a brace one or two lines will often dramatically affect the meaning of a program.
      • // (single line comment)

        Comments are lines in the program that are used to inform yourself or others about the way the program works.
        They are ignored by the compiler, and not exported to the processor, so they don't take up any space on the Atmega chip.
        Comments only purpose are to help you understand (or remember) how your program works or to inform others how your program works.
        When experimenting with code, "commenting out" parts of your program is a convenient way to remove lines that may be buggy.
        This leaves the lines in the code, but turns them into comments, so the compiler just ignores them.
        This can be especially useful when trying to locate a problem, or when a program refuses to compile and the compiler error is cryptic or unhelpful.
      • /* */ (multi-line comment)

        Comments are lines in the program that are used to inform yourself or others about the way the program works.
        They are ignored by the compiler, and not exported to the processor, so they don't take up any space on the Atmega chip.
        Comments only purpose are to help you understand (or remember) how your program works or to inform others how your program works.
        When experimenting with code, "commenting out" parts of your program is a convenient way to remove lines that may be buggy.
        This leaves the lines in the code, but turns them into comments, so the compiler just ignores them.
        This can be especially useful when trying to locate a problem, or when a program refuses to compile and the compiler error is cryptic or unhelpful.
      • #define

        #define is a useful C component that allows the programmer to give a name to a constant value before the program is compiled. Defined constants in arduino don't take up any program memory space on the chip. The compiler will replace references to these constants with the defined value at compile time.
        This can have some unwanted side effects though, if for example, a constant name that had been #defined is included in some other constant or variable name. In that case the text would be replaced by the #defined number (or text).
        In general, the const keyword is preferred for defining constants and should be used instead of #define.
        #define constantName value
        #define ledPin 3
        There is no semicolon after the #define statement. If you include one, the compiler will throw cryptic errors further down the page.
        #define ledPin 3;    // this is an error 
        Similarly, including an equal sign after the #define statement will also generate a cryptic compiler error further down the page.
        #define ledPin  = 3  // this is also an error 
      • #include

        #include is used to include outside libraries in your sketch. This gives the programmer access to a large group of standard C libraries (groups of pre-made functions), and also libraries written especially for Arduino.
        The main reference page for AVR C libraries (AVR is a reference to the Atmel chips on which the Arduino is based) is
        Note that #include, similar to #define, has no semicolon terminator, and the compiler will yield cryptic error messages if you add one.
        This example includes a library that is used to put data into the program space flash instead of ram. This saves the ram space for dynamic memory needs and makes large lookup tables more practical.
        #include <avr/pgmspace.h>
        prog_uint16_t myConstants[] PROGMEM = {0, 21140, 702  , 9128,  0, 25764, 8456,
    5. Comparison Operators

      • == (equal to)

      • != (not equal to)

      • < (less than)

      • > (greater than)

      • <= (less than or equal to)

      • >= (greater than or equal to)


      Beware of accidentally using the single equal sign (e.g. if (x = 10) ). The single equal sign is the assignment operator, and sets x to 10 (puts the value 10 into the variable x). Instead use the double equal sign (e.g. if (x == 10) ), which is the comparison operator, and tests whether x is equal to 10 or not. The latter statement is only true if x equals 10, but the former statement will always be true.
      This is because C evaluates the statement if (x=10) as follows: 10 is assigned to x (remember that the single equal sign is the assignment operator), so x now contains 10. Then the 'if' conditional evaluates 10, which always evaluates to TRUE, since any non-zero number evaluates to TRUE. Consequently, if (x = 10) will always evaluate to TRUE, which is not the desired result when using an 'if' statement. Additionally, the variable x will be set to 10, which is also not a desired action.
    6. Boolean Operators

      • && (and)

        True only if both operands are true, e.g.
        is true only if both inputs are high.
      • || (or)

        True if either operand is true, e.g.
        is true if either x or y is greater than 0.
      • ! (not)

        True if the operand is false, e.g.
        is true if x is false (i.e. if x equals 0).


      Make sure you don't mistake the boolean AND operator, && (double ampersand) for the bitwise AND operator & (single ampersand). They are entirely different beasts.
      Similarly, do not confuse the boolean || (double pipe) operator with the bitwise OR operator | (single pipe).
      The bitwise not ~ (tilde) looks much different than the boolean not ! (exclamation point or "bang" as the programmers say) but you still have to be sure which one you want where.


      if (a >= 10 && a <= 20){}   // true if a is between 10 and 20
    7. Bitwise Operators

      • & (bitwise and)

      • The bitwise operators perform their calculations at the bit level of variables.
        They help solve a wide range of common programming problems.
        Much of the material below is from an excellent tutorial on bitwise math wihch may be found here.
        The bitwise AND operator in C++ is a single ampersand, &, used between two other integer expressions.
        Bitwise AND operates on each bit position of the surrounding expressions independently, according to this rule: if both input bits are 1, the resulting output is 1, otherwise the output is 0. Another way of expressing this is:
        0  0  1  1    operand1
        0  1  0  1    operand2
        0  0  0  1    (operand1 & operand2) - returned result
        In Arduino, the type int is a 16-bit value, so using & between two int expressions causes 16 simultaneous AND operations to occur. In a code fragment like:
        int a =  92;    // in binary: 0000000001011100
        int b = 101;    // in binary: 0000000001100101
        int c = a & b;  // result:    0000000001000100, or 68 in decimal.
        Each of the 16 bits in a and b are processed by using the bitwise AND, and all 16 resulting bits are stored in c, resulting in the value 01000100 in binary, which is 68 in decimal.
      • | (bitwise or)

      • The bitwise OR operator in C++ is the vertical bar symbol, |. Like the & operator, | operates independently each bit in its two surrounding integer expressions, but what it does is different (of course).
        The bitwise OR of two bits is 1 if either or both of the input bits is 1, otherwise it is 0. In other words:
        0  0  1  1    operand1
        0  1  0  1    operand2
        0  1  1  1    (operand1 | operand2) - returned result
        Here is an example of the bitwise OR used in a snippet of C++ code:
        int a =  92;    // in binary: 0000000001011100
        int b = 101;    // in binary: 0000000001100101
        int c = a | b;  // result:    0000000001111101, or 125 in decimal.
      • ^ (bitwise xor)

      • There is a somewhat unusual operator in C++ called bitwise EXCLUSIVE OR, also known as bitwise XOR. (In English this is usually pronounced "eks-or".)
        The bitwise XOR operator is written using the caret symbol ^.
        This operator is very similar to the bitwise OR operator |, only it evaluates to 0 for a given bit position when both of the input bits for that position are 1:
        0  0  1  1    operand1
        0  1  0  1    operand2
        0  1  1  0    (operand1 ^ operand2) - returned result
        Another way to look at bitwise XOR is that each bit in the result is a 1 if the input bits are different, or 0 if they are the same.
        Here is a simple code example:
        int x = 12;     // binary: 1100
        int y = 10;     // binary: 1010
        int z = x ^ y;  // binary: 0110, or decimal 6
        The ^ operator is often used to toggle (i.e. change from 0 to 1, or 1 to 0) some of the bits in an integer expression.
        In a bitwise OR operation if there is a 1 in the mask bit, that bit is inverted;
        if there is a 0, the bit is not inverted and stays the same. Below is a program to blink digital pin 5.
        // Blink_Pin_5
        // demo for Exclusive OR
        void setup(){
        	DDRD = DDRD | B00100000; // set digital pin five as OUTPUT 
        void loop(){
        	PORTD = PORTD ^ B00100000;  // invert bit 5 (digital pin 5), leave others untouched
      • ~ (bitwise not)

      • The bitwise NOT operator in C++ is the tilde character ~.
        Unlike & and |, the bitwise NOT operator is applied to a single operand to its right.
        Bitwise NOT changes each bit to its opposite: 0 becomes 1, and 1 becomes 0. For example:
        0  1    operand1
        1  0   ~ operand1
        int a = 103;    // binary:  0000000001100111
        int b = ~a;     // binary:  1111111110011000 = -104
        You might be surprised to see a negative number like -104 as the result of this operation.
        This is because the highest bit in an int variable is the so-called sign bit.
        If the highest bit is 1, the number is interpreted as negative.
        This encoding of positive and negative numbers is referred to as two's complement.
        For more information, see the Wikipedia article on two's complement.
        As an aside, it is interesting to note that for any integer x, ~x is the same as -x-1.
        At times, the sign bit in a signed integer expression can cause some unwanted surprises.
      • << (bitshift left)

      • There are two bit shift operators in C++: the left shift operator <lt; and the right shift operator >>.
        These operators cause the bits in the left operand to be shifted left or right by the number of positions specified by the right operand.
        More on bitwise math may be found here.
        variable <lt; number_of_bits
        variable >> number_of_bits
        variable - (byte, int, long) number_of_bits integer &ls;= 32
        int a = 5;        // binary: 0000000000000101
        int b = a <lt; 3;   // binary: 0000000000101000, or 40 in decimal
        int c = b >> 3;   // binary: 0000000000000101, or back to 5 like we started with
        When you shift a value x by y bits (x <lt; y), the leftmost y bits in x are lost, literally shifted out of existence:
        int a = 5;        // binary: 0000000000000101
        int b = a  <lt; 14;  // binary: 0100000000000000 - the first 1 in 101 was discarded
        If you are certain that none of the ones in a value are being shifted into oblivion, a simple way to think of the left-shift operator is that it multiplies the left operand by 2 raised to the right operand power.
        For example, to generate powers of 2, the following expressions can be employed:
        1 <lt;  0  ==    1
        1 <lt;  1  ==    2
        1 <lt;  2  ==    4
        1 <lt;  3  ==    8
        1 <lt;  8  ==  256
        1 <lt;  9  ==  512
        1 <lt; 10  == 1024
        When you shift x right by y bits (x >> y), and the highest bit in x is a 1, the behavior depends on the exact data type of x.
        If x is of type int, the highest bit is the sign bit, determining whether x is negative or not, as we have discussed above. In that case, the sign bit is copied into lower bits, for esoteric historical reasons:
        int x = -16;     // binary: 1111111111110000
        int y = x >> 3;  // binary: 1111111111111110
        This behavior, called sign extension, is often not the behavior you want. Instead, you may wish zeros to be shifted in from the left. It turns out that the right shift rules are different for unsigned int expressions, so you can use a typecast to suppress ones being copied from the left:
        int x = -16;                   // binary: 1111111111110000
        int y = (unsigned int)x >> 3;  // binary: 0001111111111110
        If you are careful to avoid sign extension, you can use the right-shift operator >> as a way to divide by powers of 2. For example:
        int x = 1000;
        int y = x >> 3;   // integer division of 1000 by 8, causing y = 125.
      • >> (bitshift right)

    8. Compound Operators

      • ++ (increment)

        Increment a variable
        x++;  // increment x by one and returns the old value of x
        ++x;  // increment x by one and returns the new value of x
        x: an integer or long (possibly unsigned)
        The original or newly incremented / decremented value of the variable.
        x = 2;
        y = ++x;      // x now contains 3, y contains 3
      • -- (decrement)

        Decrement a variable
        x-- ;   // decrement x by one and returns the old value of x 
        --x ;   // decrement x by one and returns the new value of x  
        x: an integer or long (possibly unsigned)
        The original or newly incremented / decremented value of the variable.
        x = 2;
        y = x--;      // x contains 2 again, y still contains 3 
      • += (compound addition)

        Perform a mathematical operation on a variable with another constant or variable.
        The operators are just a convenient shorthand for the expanded syntax
        x += y;   // equivalent to the expression x = x + y;
        x: any variable type
        y: any variable type or constant
        x = 2;
        x += 4;      // x now contains 6
      • -= (compound subtraction)

        Perform a mathematical operation on a variable with another constant or variable.
        The operators are just a convenient shorthand for the expanded syntax
        x -= y;   // equivalent to the expression x = x - y; 
        x: any variable type
        y: any variable type or constant
      • *= (compound multiplication)

        Perform a mathematical operation on a variable with another constant or variable.
        The operators are just a convenient shorthand for the expanded syntax
        x *= y;   // equivalent to the expression x = x * y; 
        x: any variable type
        y: any variable type or constant
      • /= (compound division)

        Perform a mathematical operation on a variable with another constant or variable.
        The operators are just a convenient shorthand for the expanded syntax
        x /= y;   // equivalent to the expression x = x / y;  
        x: any variable type
        y: any variable type or constant
      • %= (compound modulo)

        Perform a mathematical operation on a variable with another constant or variable.
        The operators are just a convenient shorthand for the expanded syntax
        x %= y;  // equivalent to the expression x = x % y; 
        x: any variable type
        y: any variable type or constant
      • &= (compound bitwise and)

        The compound bitwise AND operator (&=) is often used with a variable and a constant to force particular bits in a variable to the LOW state (to 0). This is often referred to in programming guides as "clearing" or "resetting" bits.
        x &= y;   // equivalent to x = x & y; 
        x: a char, int or long variable
        y: an integer constant or char, int, or long
        0  0  1  1    operand1
        0  1  0  1    operand2
        0  0  0  1    (operand1 & operand2) - returned result
        Bits that are "bitwise ANDed" with 0 are cleared to 0 so, if myByte is a byte variable,
        myByte & B00000000 = 0;
        Bits that are "bitwise ANDed" with 1 are unchanged so,
        myByte & B11111111 = myByte;
        Note: because we are dealing with bits in a bitwise operator - it is convenient to use the binary formatter with constants. The numbers are still the same value in other representations, they are just not as easy to understand. Also, B00000000 is shown for clarity, but zero in any number format is zero (hmmm something philosophical there?)
        Consequently - to clear (set to zero) bits 0 & 1 of a variable, while leaving the rest of the variable unchanged, use the compound bitwise AND operator (&=) with the constant B11111100
        1  0  1  0  1  0  1  0    variable  
        1  1  1  1  1  1  0  0    mask
        1  0  1  0  1  0  0  0
        variable unchanged        bits cleared
        Here is the same representation with the variable's bits replaced with the symbol x
        x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x    variable
        1  1  1  1  1  1  0  0    mask
        x  x  x  x  x  x  0  0
        variable unchanged        bits cleared
        So if:
        myByte =  B10101010;
        myByte &= B11111100 == B10101000;
      • |= (compound bitwise or)

        The compound bitwise OR operator (|=) is often used with a variable and a constant to "set" (set to 1) particular bits in a variable.
        x |= y;   // equivalent to x = x | y; 
        x: a char, int or long variable
        y: an integer constant or char, int, or long
        First, a review of the Bitwise OR (|) operator
        0  0  1  1    operand1
        0  1  0  1    operand2
        0  1  1  1    (operand1 | operand2) - returned result
        Bits that are "bitwise ORed" with 0 are unchanged, so if myByte is a byte variable,
        myByte | B00000000 = myByte;
        Bits that are "bitwise ORed" with 1 are set to 1 so:
        myByte | B11111111 = B11111111;
        Consequently - to set bits 0 & 1 of a variable, while leaving the rest of the variable unchanged, use the compound bitwise OR operator (|=) with the constant B00000011
        1  0  1  0  1  0  1  0    variable
        0  0  0  0  0  0  1  1    mask
        1  0  1  0  1  0  1  1
        variable unchanged bits set
        Here is the same representation with the variables bits replaced with the symbol x
        x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x    variable
        0  0  0  0  0  0  1  1    mask
        x  x  x  x  x  x  1  1
        variable unchanged bits set
        So if:
        myByte =  B10101010;
        myByte |= B00000011 == B10101011;
  2. Variables

    1. Constants

      Constants are predefined expressions in the Arduino language. They are used to make the programs easier to read.
      They are used to make the programs easier to read. We classify constants in groups:
      • Defining Logical Levels: true and false (Boolean Constants)

        There are two constants used to represent truth and falsity in the Arduino language: true, and false.
        • true
          true is often said to be defined as 1, which is correct, but true has a wider definition.
          Any integer which is non-zero is true, in a Boolean sense. So -1, 2 and -200 are all defined as true, too, in a Boolean sense.
        • false
          false is the easier of the two to define.
          false is defined as 0 (zero).
        Note that the true and false constants are typed in lowercase unlike HIGH, LOW, INPUT, and OUTPUT.
      • Defining Pin Levels: HIGH and LOW

        When reading or writing to a digital pin there are only two possible values a pin can take/be-set-to: HIGH and LOW.
        • HIGH
          The meaning of HIGH (in reference to a pin) is somewhat different depending on whether a pin is set to an INPUT or OUTPUT.
          When a pin is configured as an INPUT with pinMode(), and read with digitalRead(), the Arduino (Atmega) will report HIGH if:
          - a voltage greater than 3 volts is present at the pin (5V boards);
          - a voltage greater than 2 volts is present at the pin (3.3V boards);
          A pin may also be configured as an INPUT with pinMode(), and subsequently made HIGH with digitalWrite().
          This will enable the internal 20K pullup resistors, which will pull up the input pin to a HIGH reading unless it is pulled LOW by external circuitry.
          This is how INPUT_PULLUP works and is described below in more detail.
          When a pin is configured to OUTPUT with pinMode(), and set to HIGH with digitalWrite(), the pin is at:
          - 5 volts (5V boards);
          - 3.3 volts (3.3V boards);
          In this state it can source current, e.g. light an LED that is connected through a series resistor to ground.
        • LOW
          The meaning of LOW also has a different meaning depending on whether a pin is set to INPUT or OUTPUT.
          When a pin is configured as an INPUT with pinMode(), and read with digitalRead(), the Arduino (Atmega) will report LOW if:
          - a voltage less than 3 volts is present at the pin (5V boards);
          - a voltage less than 2 volts is present at the pin (3.3V boards);
          When a pin is configured to OUTPUT with pinMode(), and set to LOW with digitalWrite(), the pin is at 0 volts (both 5V and 3.3V boards).
          In this state it can sink current, e.g. light an LED that is connected through a series resistor to +5 volts (or +3.3 volts).
      • Defining Digital Pins modes: INPUT, INPUT_PULLUP, and OUTPUT

        Digital pins can be used as INPUT, INPUT_PULLUP, or OUTPUT. Changing a pin with pinMode() changes the electrical behavior of the pin.
        • Pins Configured as INPUT
          Arduino (Atmega) pins configured as INPUT with pinMode() are said to be in a high-impedance state.
          Pins configured as INPUT make extremely small demands on the circuit that they are sampling, equivalent to a series resistor of 100 Megohms in front of the pin.
          This makes them useful for reading a sensor.
          If you have your pin configured as an INPUT, and are reading a switch, when the switch is in the open state the input pin will be "floating", resulting in unpredictable results.
          In order to assure a proper reading when the switch is open, a pull-up or pull-down resistor must be used.
          The purpose of this resistor is to pull the pin to a known state when the switch is open.
          A 10 K ohm resistor is usually chosen, as it is a low enough value to reliably prevent a floating input, and at the same time a high enough value to not not draw too much current when the switch is closed.
          See the Digital Read Serial tutorial for more information.
          If a pull-down resistor is used, the input pin will be LOW when the switch is open and HIGH when the switch is closed.
          If a pull-up resistor is used, the input pin will be HIGH when the switch is open and LOW when the switch is closed.
        • Pins Configured as INPUT_PULLUP
          The Atmega microcontroller on the Arduino has internal pull-up resistors (resistors that connect to power internally) that you can access.
          If you prefer to use these instead of external pull-up resistors, you can use the INPUT_PULLUP argument in pinMode().
          See the Input Pullup Serial tutorial for an example of this in use.
          Pins configured as inputs with either INPUT or INPUT_PULLUP can be damaged or destroyed if they are connected to voltages below ground (negative voltages) or above the positive power rail (5V or 3V).
        • Pins Configured as Outputs
          Pins configured as OUTPUT with pinMode() are said to be in a low-impedance state.
          This means that they can provide a substantial amount of current to other circuits.
          Atmega pins can source (provide current) or sink (absorb current) up to 40 mA (milliamps) of current to other devices/circuits.
          This makes them useful for powering LEDs because LEDs typically use less than 40 mA.
          Loads greater than 40 mA (e.g. motors) will require a transistor or other interface circuitry.
          Pins configured as outputs can be damaged or destroyed if they are connected to either the ground or positive power rails.
      • Defining built-ins: LED_BUILTIN

        Most Arduino boards have a pin connected to an on-board LED in series with a resistor.
        The constant LED_BUILTIN is the number of the pin to which the on-board LED is connected.
        Most boards have this LED connected to digital pin 13.
      • Integer Constants

        Integer constants are numbers used directly in a sketch, like 123.
        By default, these numbers are treated as int's but you can change this with the U and L modifiers (see below).
        Normally, integer constants are treated as base 10 (decimal) integers, but special notation (formatters) may be used to enter numbers in other bases.
        Base               Example    Formatter        Comment
        10 (decimal)           123    none
        2 (binary)        B1111011    leading 'B'      only works with 8 bit values (0 to 255) characters 0-1 valid
        8 (octal)             0173    leading "0"      characters 0-7 valid       
        16 (hexadecimal)      0x7B    leading "0x"     characters 0-9, A-F, a-f valid    
      • Decimal is base 10. This is the common-sense math with which you are acquainted.

        Constants without other prefixes are assumed to be in decimal format.
        101     // same as 101 decimal   ((1 * 10^2) + (0 * 10^1) + 1)
      • Binary is base two. Only characters 0 and 1 are valid.

        B101    // same as 5 decimal   ((1 * 2^2) + (0 * 2^1) + 1)
        The binary formatter only works on bytes (8 bits) between 0 (B0) and 255 (B11111111).
        If it is convenient to input an int (16 bits) in binary form you can do it a two-step procedure such as:
        myInt = (B11001100 * 256) + B10101010; // B11001100 is the high byte
      • Octal is base eight. Only characters 0 through 7 are valid.
        Octal values are indicated by the prefix "0"
        0101    // same as 65 decimal   ((1 * 8^2) + (0 * 8^1) + 1) 
        It is possible to generate a hard-to-find bug by (unintentionally) including a leading zero before a constant and having the compiler unintentionally interpret your constant as octal.
      • Hexadecimal (or hex) is base sixteen.

        Valid characters are 0 through 9 and letters A through F;
        A has the value 10, B is 11, up to F, which is 15.
        Hex values are indicated by the prefix "0x".
        Note that A-F may be syted in upper or lower case (a-f).
        0x101   // same as 257 decimal   ((1 * 16^2) + (0 * 16^1) + 1)
      • U & L formatters

        By default, an integer constant is treated as an int with the attendant limitations in values.
        To specify an integer constant with another data type, follow it with:
        - a 'u' or 'U' to force the constant into an unsigned data format. Example: 33u
        - a 'l' or 'L' to force the constant into a long data format. Example: 100000L
        - a 'ul' or 'UL' to force the constant into an unsigned long constant. Example: 32767ul
      • floating point constants

        Similar to integer constants, floating point constants are used to make code more readable.
        Floating point constants are swapped at compile time for the value to which the expression evaluates.
        n = .005;
        Floating point constants can also be expressed in a variety of scientific notation.
        'E' and 'e' are both accepted as valid exponent indicators.
        floating-point   evaluates to:      also evaluates to:
           10.0	             10
          2.34E5          2.34 * 10^5             234000
          67e-12        67.0 * 10^-12         .000000000067
    2. Data Types

      1. void

        The void keyword is used only in function declarations.
        It indicates that the function is expected to return no information to the function from which it was called.
        // actions are performed in the functions "setup" and "loop"
        // but  no information is reported to the larger program
        void setup()
          // ...
        void loop()
          // ...
      2. boolean

        A boolean holds one of two values, true or false. (Each boolean variable occupies one byte of memory.)
        int LEDpin = 5;       // LED on pin 5
        int switchPin = 13;   // momentary switch on 13, other side connected to ground
        boolean running = false;
        void setup()
          pinMode(LEDpin, OUTPUT);
          pinMode(switchPin, INPUT);
          digitalWrite(switchPin, HIGH);      // turn on pullup resistor
        void loop()
          if (digitalRead(switchPin) == LOW)
          {  // switch is pressed - pullup keeps pin high normally
            delay(100);                        // delay to debounce switch
            running = !running;                // toggle running variable
            digitalWrite(LEDpin, running)      // indicate via LED
      3. char

        A data type that takes up 1 byte of memory that stores a character value.
        Character literals are written in single quotes, like this: 'A' (for multiple characters - strings - use double quotes: "ABC").
        Characters are stored as numbers however. You can see the specific encoding in the ASCII chart.
        This means that it is possible to do arithmetic on characters, in which the ASCII value of the character is used (e.g. 'A' + 1 has the value 66, since the ASCII value of the capital letter A is 65).
        See Serial.println reference for more on how characters are translated to numbers.
        The char datatype is a signed type, meaning that it encodes numbers from -128 to 127.
        For an unsigned, one-byte (8 bit) data type, use the byte data type.
          char myChar = 'A';
          char myChar = 65;      // both are equivalent
      4. unsigned char

        An unsigned data type that occupies 1 byte of memory. Same as the byte datatype.
        The unsigned char datatype encodes numbers from 0 to 255.
        For consistency of Arduino programming style, the byte data type is to be preferred.
        unsigned char myChar = 240;
      5. byte

        A byte stores an 8-bit unsigned number, from 0 to 255.
        byte b = B10010;  // "B" is the binary formatter (B10010 = 18 decimal) 
      6. int

        Integers are your primary data-type for number storage.
        On the Arduino Uno (and other ATMega based boards) an int stores a 16-bit (2-byte) value. This yields a range of -32,768 to 32,767 (minimum value of -2^15 and a maximum value of (2^15) - 1).
        On the Arduino Due, an int stores a 32-bit (4-byte) value. This yields a range of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (minimum value of -2^31 and a maximum value of (2^31) - 1).
        int's store negative numbers with a technique called 2's complement math.
        The highest bit, sometimes referred to as the "sign" bit, flags the number as a negative number.
        The rest of the bits are inverted and 1 is added.
        The Arduino takes care of dealing with negative numbers for you, so that arithmetic operations work transparently in the expected manner.
        There can be an unexpected complication in dealing with the bitshift right operator (>>) however.
        int ledPin = 13;
        int var = val;
        var - your int variable name
        val - the value you assign to that variable
        Coding Tip
        When variables are made to exceed their maximum capacity they "roll over" back to their minimum capacity, note that this happens in both directions.
        Example for a 16-bit int:
        int x;
        x = -32768;
        x = x - 1;       // x now contains 32,767 - rolls over in neg. direction
        x = 32767;
        x = x + 1;       // x now contains -32,768 - rolls over
      7. unsigned int

        On the Uno and other ATMEGA based boards, unsigned ints (unsigned integers) are the same as ints in that they store a 2 byte value.
        Instead of storing negative numbers however they only store positive values, yielding a useful range of 0 to 65,535 (2^16) - 1).
        The Due stores a 4 byte (32-bit) value, ranging from 0 to 4,294,967,295 (2^32 - 1).
        The difference between unsigned ints and (signed) ints, lies in the way the highest bit, sometimes refered to as the "sign" bit, is interpreted.
        In the Arduino int type (which is signed), if the high bit is a "1", the number is interpreted as a negative number, and the other 15 bits are interpreted with 2's complement math.
        unsigned int ledPin = 13;
        unsigned int var = val;
        var - your unsigned int variable name
        val - the value you assign to that variable
        Coding Tip
        When variables are made to exceed their maximum capacity they "roll over" back to their minimum capacity, note that this happens in both directions.
        Example for a 16-bit int:
        unsigned int x
        x = 0;
        x = x - 1;       // x now contains 65535 - rolls over in neg direction
        x = x + 1;       // x now contains 0 - rolls over
      8. word

        On the Uno and other ATMEGA based boards, a word stores a 16-bit unsigned number.
        On the Due and Zero instead it stores a 32-bit unsigned number.
        word w = 10000; 
      9. long

        Long variables are extended size variables for number storage, and store 32 bits (4 bytes), from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
        If doing math with integers, at least one of the numbers must be followed by an L, forcing it to be a long. See the Integer Constants page for details.
        long speedOfLight = 186000L;   // see the Integer Constants page for explanation of the 'L'
        long var = val;
        var - the long variable name
        val - the value assigned to the variable
      10. unsigned long

        Unsigned long variables are extended size variables for number storage, and store 32 bits (4 bytes).
        Unlike standard longs unsigned longs won't store negative numbers, making their range from 0 to 4,294,967,295 (2^32 - 1).
        unsigned long time;
        void setup()
        void loop()
          Serial.print("Time: ");
          time = millis();
          //prints time since program started
          // wait a second so as not to send massive amounts of data
        unsigned long var = val;
        var - your long variable name
        val - the value you assign to that variable
      11. short

        A short is a 16-bit data-type.
        On all Arduinos (ATMega and ARM based) a short stores a 16-bit (2-byte) value. This yields a range of -32,768 to 32,767 (minimum value of -2^15 and a maximum value of (2^15) - 1).
        short ledPin = 13;
        short var = val;
        var - your short variable name
        val - the value you assign to that variable
      12. float

        Datatype for floating-point numbers, a number that has a decimal point.
        Floating-point numbers are often used to approximate analog and continuous values because they have greater resolution than integers.
        Floating-point numbers can be as large as 3.4028235E+38 and as low as -3.4028235E+38. They are stored as 32 bits (4 bytes) of information.
        Floats have only 6-7 decimal digits of precision.
        That means the total number of digits, not the number to the right of the decimal point.
        Unlike other platforms, where you can get more precision by using a double (e.g. up to 15 digits), on the Arduino, double is the same size as float.
        Floating point numbers are not exact, and may yield strange results when compared.
        For example 6.0 / 3.0 may not equal 2.0.
        You should instead check that the absolute value of the difference between the numbers is less than some small number.
        Floating point math is also much slower than integer math in performing calculations, so should be avoided if, for example, a loop has to run at top speed for a critical timing function.
        Programmers often go to some lengths to convert floating point calculations to integer math to increase speed.
        If doing math with floats, you need to add a decimal point, otherwise it will be treated as an int.
        See the Floating point constants page for details.
        float myfloat;
        float sensorCalbrate = 1.117;
        float var = val;
        var - your float variable name
        val - the value you assign to that variable
        Example Code
        int x;
        int y;
        float z;
        x = 1;
        y = x / 2;            // y now contains 0, ints can't hold fractions
        z = (float)x / 2.0;   // z now contains .5 (you have to use 2.0, not 2)
      13. double

        Double precision floating point number.
        On the Uno and other ATMEGA based boards, this occupies 4 bytes. That is, the double implementation is exactly the same as the float, with no gain in precision.
        On the Arduino Due, doubles have 8-byte (64 bit) precision.
        Users who borrow code from other sources that includes double variables may wish to examine the code to see if the implied precision is different from that actually achieved on ATMEGA based Arduinos.
      14. string

        Text strings can be represented in two ways.
        you can use the String data type, which is part of the core as of version 0019, or you can make a string out of an array of type char and null-terminate it.
        This page described the latter method.
        For more details on the String object, which gives you more functionality at the cost of more memory, see the String object page.
        All of the following are valid declarations for strings.
        char Str1[15];
        char Str2[8] = {'a', 'r', 'd', 'u', 'i', 'n', 'o'};
        char Str3[8] = {'a', 'r', 'd', 'u', 'i', 'n', 'o', '\0'};
        char Str4[ ] = "arduino";
        char Str5[8] = "arduino";
        char Str6[15] = "arduino";
        Possibilities for declaring strings
        Declare an array of chars without initializing it as in Str1
        Declare an array of chars (with one extra char) and the compiler will add the required null character, as in Str2
        Explicitly add the null character, Str3
        Initialize with a string constant in quotation marks; the compiler will size the array to fit the string constant and a terminating null character, Str4
        Initialize the array with an explicit size and string constant, Str5
        Initialize the array, leaving extra space for a larger string, Str6
        Null termination
        Generally, strings are terminated with a null character (ASCII code 0).
        This allows functions (like Serial.print()) to tell where the end of a string is.
        Otherwise, they would continue reading subsequent bytes of memory that aren't actually part of the string.
        This means that your string needs to have space for one more character than the text you want it to contain.
        That is why Str2 and Str5 need to be eight characters, even though "arduino" is only seven - the last position is automatically filled with a null character.
        Str4 will be automatically sized to eight characters, one for the extra null.
        In Str3, we've explicitly included the null character (written '\0') ourselves.
        Note that it's possible to have a string without a final null character (e.g. if you had specified the length of Str2 as seven instead of eight).
        This will break most functions that use strings, so you shouldn't do it intentionally.
        If you notice something behaving strangely (operating on characters not in the string), however, this could be the problem.
        Single quotes or double quotes?
        Strings are always defined inside double quotes ("Abc") and characters are always defined inside single quotes('A').
        Wrapping long strings
        You can wrap long strings like this:
        char myString[] = "This is the first line"
        " this is the second line"
        " etcetera";
        Arrays of strings
        It is often convenient, when working with large amounts of text, such as a project with an LCD display, to setup an array of strings.
        Because strings themselves are arrays, this is in actually an example of a two-dimensional array.
        In the code below, the asterisk after the datatype char "char*" indicates that this is an array of "pointers".
        All array names are actually pointers, so this is required to make an array of arrays.
        Pointers are one of the more esoteric parts of C for beginners to understand, but it isn't necessary to understand pointers in detail to use them effectively here.
        char* myStrings[]={"This is string 1", "This is string 2", "This is string 3",
        "This is string 4", "This is string 5","This is string 6"};
        void setup(){
        void loop(){
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
      15. Arrays

        An array is a collection of variables that are accessed with an index number.
        Arrays in the C programming language, on which Arduino is based, can be complicated, but using simple arrays is relatively straightforward.
        Creating (Declaring) an Array
        All of the methods below are valid ways to create (declare) an array.
        int myInts[6];
        int myPins[] = {2, 4, 8, 3, 6};
        int mySensVals[6] = {2, 4, -8, 3, 2};
        char message[6] = "hello";
        You can declare an array without initializing it as in myInts.
        In myPins we declare an array without explicitly choosing a size.
        The compiler counts the elements and creates an array of the appropriate size.
        Finally you can both initialize and size your array, as in mySensVals.
        Note that when declaring an array of type char, one more element than your initialization is required, to hold the required null character.
        Accessing an Array
        Arrays are zero indexed, that is, referring to the array initialization above, the first element of the array is at index 0, hence
        mySensVals[0] == 2, mySensVals[1] == 4,
        and so forth.
        It also means that in an array with ten elements, index nine is the last element. Hence:
        int myArray[10]={9,3,2,4,3,2,7,8,9,11};
        // myArray[9]    contains 11
        // myArray[10]   is invalid and contains random information (other memory address)      
        For this reason you should be careful in accessing arrays.
        Accessing past the end of an array (using an index number greater than your declared array size - 1) is reading from memory that is in use for other purposes.
        Reading from these locations is probably not going to do much except yield invalid data.
        Writing to random memory locations is definitely a bad idea and can often lead to unhappy results such as crashes or program malfunction.
        This can also be a difficult bug to track down.
        Unlike BASIC or JAVA, the C compiler does no checking to see if array access is within legal bounds of the array size that you have declared.
        To assign a value to an array:
        mySensVals[0] = 10;
        To retrieve a value from an array:
        x = mySensVals[4];
        Arrays and FOR Loops
        Arrays are often manipulated inside for loops, where the loop counter is used as the index for each array element.
        For example, to print the elements of an array over the serial port, you could do something like this:
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 5; i = i + 1) {
        For a complete program that demonstrates the use of arrays, see the Knight Rider example from the Tutorials.
    3. Conversion

      • char()

        Converts a value to the char data type.
        x: a value of any type
      • byte()

        Converts a value to the byte data type.
        x: a value of any type
      • int()

        Converts a value to the int data type.
        x: a value of any type
      • word()

        Convert a value to the word data type or create a word from two bytes.
        word(h, l)
        x: a value of any type
        h: the high-order (leftmost) byte of the word
        l: the low-order (rightmost) byte of the word
      • long()

        Converts a value to the long data type.
        x: a value of any type
      • float()

        Converts a value to the float data type.
        x: a value of any type
    4. Variable Scope & Qualifiers

      • variable scope

        Variables in the C programming language, which Arduino uses, have a property called scope.
        This is in contrast to early versions of languages such as BASIC where every variable is a global variable.
        A global variable is one that can be seen by every function in a program.
        Local variables are only visible to the function in which they are declared.
        In the Arduino environment, any variable declared outside of a function (e.g. setup(), loop(), etc. ), is a global variable.
        When programs start to get larger and more complex, local variables are a useful way to insure that only one function has access to its own variables.
        This prevents programming errors when one function inadvertently modifies variables used by another function.
        It is also sometimes handy to declare and initialize a variable inside a for loop.
        This creates a variable that can only be accessed from inside the for-loop brackets.
        int gPWMval;  // any function will see this variable
        void setup()
          // ...
        void loop()
          int i;    // "i" is only "visible" inside of "loop"
          float f;  // "f" is only "visible" inside of "loop"
          // ...
          for (int j = 0; j <100; j++){
          // variable j can only be accessed inside the for-loop brackets
      • static

        The static keyword is used to create variables that are visible to only one function.
        However unlike local variables that get created and destroyed every time a function is called, static variables persist beyond the function call, preserving their data between function calls.
        Variables declared as static will only be created and initialized the first time a function is called.
        /* RandomWalk
        * Paul Badger 2007
        * RandomWalk wanders up and down randomly between two
        * endpoints. The maximum move in one loop is governed by
        * the parameter "stepsize".
        * A static variable is moved up and down a random amount.
        * This technique is also known as "pink noise" and "drunken walk".
        #define randomWalkLowRange -20
        #define randomWalkHighRange 20
        int stepsize;
        int thisTime;
        int total;
        void setup()
        void loop()
        {        //  tetst randomWalk function
          stepsize = 5;
          thisTime = randomWalk(stepsize);
        int randomWalk(int moveSize){
          static int  place;     // variable to store value in random walk - declared static so that it stores
                                 // values in between function calls, but no other functions can change its value
          place = place + (random(-moveSize, moveSize + 1));
          if (place < randomWalkLowRange){                    // check lower and upper limits
            place = place + (randomWalkLowRange - place);     // reflect number back in positive direction
          else if(place >l; randomWalkHighRange){
            place = place - (place - randomWalkHighRange);     // reflect number back in negative direction
          return place;
      • volatile

        volatile is a keyword known as a variable qualifier, it is usually used before the datatype of a variable, to modify the way in which the compiler and subsequent program treats the variable.
        Declaring a variable volatile is a directive to the compiler.
        The compiler is software which translates your C/C++ code into the machine code, which are the real instructions for the Atmega chip in the Arduino.
        Specifically, it directs the compiler to load the variable from RAM and not from a storage register, which is a temporary memory location where program variables are stored and manipulated.
        Under certain conditions, the value for a variable stored in registers can be inaccurate.
        A variable should be declared volatile whenever its value can be changed by something beyond the control of the code section in which it appears, such as a concurrently executing thread.
        In the Arduino, the only place that this is likely to occur is in sections of code associated with interrupts, called an interrupt service routine.
        // toggles LED when interrupt pin changes state
        int pin = 13;
        volatile int state = LOW;
        void setup()
          pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
          attachInterrupt(0, blink, CHANGE);
        void loop()
          digitalWrite(pin, state);
        void blink()
          state = !state;
      • const

        The const keyword stands for constant.
        It is a variable qualifier that modifies the behavior of the variable, making a variable "read-only".
        This means that the variable can be used just as any other variable of its type, but its value cannot be changed.
        You will get a compiler error if you try to assign a value to a const variable.
        Constants defined with the const keyword obey the rules of variable scoping that govern other variables.
        This, and the pitfalls of using#define, makes the const keyword a superior method for defining constants and is preferred over using #define.
        const float pi = 3.14;
        float x;
        // ....
        x = pi * 2;    // it's fine to use const's in math
        pi = 7;        // illegal - you can't write to (modify) a constant
        #define or const
        You can use either const or #define for creating numeric or string constants.
        For arrays, you will need to use const.
        In general const is preferred over #define for defining constants.
    5. Utilities

      • sizeof()

        The sizeof operator returns the number of bytes in a variable type, or the number of bytes occupied by an array.
        variable: any variable type or array (e.g. int, float, byte)
        Example code
        The sizeof operator is useful for dealing with arrays (such as strings) where it is convenient to be able to change the size of the array without breaking other parts of the program.
        This program prints out a text string one character at a time. Try changing the text phrase.
        char myStr[] = "this is a test";
        int i;
        void setup(){
        void loop() {
          for (i = 0; i < sizeof(myStr) - 1; i++){
            Serial.print(i, DEC);
            Serial.print(" = ");
          delay(5000); // slow down the program
        Note that sizeof returns the total number of bytes.
        So for larger variable types such as ints, the for loop would look something like this.
        Note also that a properly formatted string ends with the NULL symbol, which has ASCII value 0.
        for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(myInts)/sizeof(int)) - 1; i++) {
          // do something with myInts[i]
      • PROGMEM

        Store data in flash (program) memory instead of SRAM.
        There's a description of the various types of memory available on an Arduino board.
        The PROGMEM keyword is a variable modifier, it should be used only with the datatypes defined in pgmspace.h.
        It tells the compiler "put this information into flash memory", instead of into SRAM, where it would normally go.
        PROGMEM is part of the pgmspace.h library that is available in the AVR architecture only.
        So you first need to include the library at the top your sketch, like this:
        #include <avr/pgmspace.h>
        const dataType variableName[] PROGMEM = {data0, data1, data3...};
        dataType - any variable type
        variableName - the name for your array of data
        Note that because PROGMEM is a variable modifier, there is no hard and fast rule about where it should go, so the Arduino compiler accepts all of the definitions below, which are also synonymous.
        However experiments have indicated that, in various versions of Arduino (having to do with GCC version), PROGMEM may work in one location and not in another.
        The "string table" example below has been tested to work with Arduino 13.
        Earlier versions of the IDE may work better if PROGMEM is included after the variable name.
        const dataType variableName[] PROGMEM = {};   // use this form
        const PROGMEM  dataType  variableName[] = {}; // or this form
        const dataType PROGMEM variableName[] = {};   // not this one
        While PROGMEM could be used on a single variable, it is really only worth the fuss if you have a larger block of data that needs to be stored, which is usually easiest in an array, (or another C data structure beyond our present discussion).
        Using PROGMEM is also a two-step procedure.
        After getting the data into Flash memory, it requires special methods (functions), also defined in the pgmspace.h library, to read the data from program memory back into SRAM, so we can do something useful with it.
        The following code fragments illustrate how to read and write chars (bytes) and ints (2 bytes) to PROGMEM.
        #include <avr/pgmspace.h>
        // save some unsigned ints
        const PROGMEM  uint16_t charSet[]  = { 65000, 32796, 16843, 10, 11234};
        // save some chars
        unsigned int displayInt;
        int k;    // counter variable
        char myChar;
        void setup() {
          while (!Serial);
          // put your setup code here, to run once:
          // read back a 2-byte int
          for (k = 0; k < 5; k++)
            displayInt = pgm_read_word_near(charSet + k);
          // read back a char
          int len = strlen_P(signMessage);
          for (k = 0; k < len; k++)
            myChar =  pgm_read_byte_near(signMessage + k);
        void loop() {
          // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
      • Arrays of strings
        It is often convenient when working with large amounts of text, such as a project with an LCD display, to setup an array of strings.
        Because strings themselves are arrays, this is in actually an example of a two-dimensional array.
        These tend to be large structures so putting them into program memory is often desirable.
        The code below illustrates the idea.
         PROGMEM string demo
         How to store a table of strings in program memory (flash),
         and retrieve them.
         Information summarized from:
         Setting up a table (array) of strings in program memory is slightly complicated, but
         here is a good template to follow.
         Setting up the strings is a two-step process. First define the strings.
        #include <avr/pgmspace.h>
        const char string_0[] PROGMEM = "String 0";   // "String 0" etc are strings to store - change to suit.
        const char string_1[] PROGMEM = "String 1";
        const char string_2[] PROGMEM = "String 2";
        const char string_3[] PROGMEM = "String 3";
        const char string_4[] PROGMEM = "String 4";
        const char string_5[] PROGMEM = "String 5";
        // Then set up a table to refer to your strings.
        const char* const string_table[] PROGMEM = {string_0, string_1, string_2, string_3, string_4, string_5};
        char buffer[30];    // make sure this is large enough for the largest string it must hold
        void setup()
        void loop()
          /* Using the string table in program memory requires the use of special functions to retrieve the data.
             The strcpy_P function copies a string from program space to a string in RAM ("buffer").
             Make sure your receiving string in RAM  is large enough to hold whatever
             you are retrieving from program space. */
          for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            strcpy_P(buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(string_table[i]))); // Necessary casts and dereferencing, just copy.
            delay( 500 );
        Please note that variables must be either globally defined, OR defined with the static keyword, in order to work with PROGMEM.
        The following code will NOT work when inside a function:
        const char long_str[] PROGMEM = "Hi, I would like to tell you a bit about myself.\n";
        The following code WILL work, even if locally defined within a function:
        const static char long_str[] PROGMEM = "Hi, I would like to tell you a bit about myself.\n"
        The F() macro
        When an instruction like :
        Serial.print("Write something on  the Serial Monitor");
        is used, the string to be printed is normally saved in RAM.
        If your sketch prints a lot of stuff on the Serial Monitor, you can easily fill the RAM.
        If you have free FLASH memory space, you can easily indicate that the string must be saved in FLASH using the syntax:
        Serial.print(F("Write something on the Serial Monitor that is stored in FLASH"));
    6. Functions

      1. Digital I/O

        • pinMode()

          Configures the specified pin to behave either as an input or an output.
          See the description of digital pins for details on the functionality of the pins.
          As of Arduino 1.0.1, it is possible to enable the internal pullup resistors with the mode INPUT_PULLUP.
          Additionally, the INPUT mode explicitly disables the internal pullups.
          pinMode(pin, mode)
          pin: the number of the pin whose mode you wish to set
          mode: INPUT, OUTPUT, or INPUT_PULLUP. (see the digital pins page for a more complete description of the functionality.)
          int ledPin = 13;                 // LED connected to digital pin 13
          void setup()
            pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);      // sets the digital pin as output
          void loop()
            digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);   // sets the LED on
            delay(1000);                  // waits for a second
            digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);    // sets the LED off
            delay(1000);                  // waits for a second
          The analog input pins can be used as digital pins, referred to as A0, A1, etc.
        • digitalWrite()

          Write a HIGH or a LOW value to a digital pin.
          If the pin has been configured as an OUTPUT with pinMode(), its voltage will be set to the corresponding value: 5V (or 3.3V on 3.3V boards) for HIGH, 0V (ground) for LOW.
          If the pin is configured as an INPUT, digitalWrite() will enable (HIGH) or disable (LOW) the internal pullup on the input pin.
          It is recommended to set the pinMode() to INPUT_PULLUP to enable the internal pull-up resistor.
          See the "digital pins tutorial" for more information.
          NOTE: If you do not set the pinMode() to OUTPUT, and connect an LED to a pin, when calling digitalWrite(HIGH), the LED may appear dim.
          Without explicitly setting pinMode(), digitalWrite() will have enabled the internal pull-up resistor, which acts like a large current-limiting resistor.
          digitalWrite(pin, value)
          pin: the pin number
          value: HIGH or LOW
          int ledPin = 13;                 // LED connected to digital pin 13
          void setup()
            pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);      // sets the digital pin as output
          void loop()
            digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);   // sets the LED on
            delay(1000);                  // waits for a second
            digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);    // sets the LED off
            delay(1000);                  // waits for a second
          Sets pin 13 to HIGH, makes a one-second-long delay, and sets the pin back to LOW.
          The analog input pins can be used as digital pins, referred to as A0, A1, etc.
        • digitalRead()

          Reads the value from a specified digital pin, either HIGH or LOW.
          pin: the number of the digital pin you want to read (int)
          HIGH or LOW
          Sets pin 13 to the same value as pin 7, declared as an input.
          int ledPin = 13; // LED connected to digital pin 13
          int inPin = 7;   // pushbutton connected to digital pin 7
          int val = 0;     // variable to store the read value
          void setup()
            pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);      // sets the digital pin 13 as output
            pinMode(inPin, INPUT);      // sets the digital pin 7 as input
          void loop()
            val = digitalRead(inPin);   // read the input pin
            digitalWrite(ledPin, val);    // sets the LED to the button's value
          If the pin isn't connected to anything, digitalRead() can return either HIGH or LOW (and this can change randomly).
          The analog input pins can be used as digital pins, referred to as A0, A1, etc.
      2. Analog I/O

        • analogReference()

          Configures the reference voltage used for analog input (i.e. the value used as the top of the input range). The options are:
          DEFAULT: the default analog reference of 5 volts (on 5V Arduino boards) or 3.3 volts (on 3.3V Arduino boards)
          INTERNAL: an built-in reference, equal to 1.1 volts on the ATmega168 or ATmega328 and 2.56 volts on the ATmega8 (not available on the Arduino Mega)
          INTERNAL1V1: a built-in 1.1V reference (Arduino Mega only)
          INTERNAL2V56: a built-in 2.56V reference (Arduino Mega only)
          EXTERNAL: the voltage applied to the AREF pin (0 to 5V only) is used as the reference.
          type: which type of reference to use (DEFAULT, INTERNAL, INTERNAL1V1, INTERNAL2V56, or EXTERNAL).
          After changing the analog reference, the first few readings from analogRead() may not be accurate.
          Don't use anything less than 0V or more than 5V for external reference voltage on the AREF pin! If you're using an external reference on the AREF pin, you must set the analog reference to EXTERNAL before calling analogRead().
          Otherwise, you will short together the active reference voltage (internally generated) and the AREF pin, possibly damaging the microcontroller on your Arduino board.
          Alternatively, you can connect the external reference voltage to the AREF pin through a 5K resistor, allowing you to switch between external and internal reference voltages.
          Note that the resistor will alter the voltage that gets used as the reference because there is an internal 32K resistor on the AREF pin.
          The two act as a voltage divider, so, for example, 2.5V applied through the resistor will yield 2.5 * 32 / (32 + 5) = ~2.2V at the AREF pin.
        • analogRead()

          Reads the value from the specified analog pin.
          The Arduino board contains a 6 channel (8 channels on the Mini and Nano, 16 on the Mega), 10-bit analog to digital converter.
          This means that it will map input voltages between 0 and 5 volts into integer values between 0 and 1023.
          This yields a resolution between readings of: 5 volts / 1024 units or, .0049 volts (4.9 mV) per unit.
          The input range and resolution can be changed using analogReference().
          It takes about 100 microseconds (0.0001 s) to read an analog input, so the maximum reading rate is about 10,000 times a second.
          pin: the number of the analog input pin to read from (0 to 5 on most boards, 0 to 7 on the Mini and Nano, 0 to 15 on the Mega)
          int (0 to 1023)
          If the analog input pin is not connected to anything, the value returned by analogRead() will fluctuate based on a number of factors (e.g. the values of the other analog inputs, how close your hand is to the board, etc.).
          int analogPin = 3;     // potentiometer wiper (middle terminal) connected to analog pin 3
                                 // outside leads to ground and +5V
          int val = 0;           // variable to store the value read
          void setup()
            Serial.begin(9600);          //  setup serial
          void loop()
            val = analogRead(analogPin);    // read the input pin
            Serial.println(val);             // debug value
        • analogWrite() - PWM

          Writes an analog value (PWM wave) to a pin.
          Can be used to light a LED at varying brightnesses or drive a motor at various speeds.
          After a call to analogWrite(), the pin will generate a steady square wave of the specified duty cycle until the next call to analogWrite() (or a call to digitalRead() or digitalWrite() on the same pin).
          The frequency of the PWM signal on most pins is approximately 490 Hz.
          On the Uno and similar boards, pins 5 and 6 have a frequency of approximately 980 Hz.
          Pins 3 and 11 on the Leonardo also run at 980 Hz.
          On most Arduino boards (those with the ATmega168 or ATmega328), this function works on pins 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11.
          On the Arduino Mega, it works on pins 2 - 13 and 44 - 46.
          Older Arduino boards with an ATmega8 only support analogWrite() on pins 9, 10, and 11.
          The Arduino Due supports analogWrite() on pins 2 through 13, plus pins DAC0 and DAC1. Unlike the PWM pins, DAC0 and DAC1 are Digital to Analog converters, and act as true analog outputs.
          You do not need to call pinMode() to set the pin as an output before calling analogWrite().
          The analogWrite function has nothing to do with the analog pins or the analogRead function.
          analogWrite(pin, value)
          pin: the pin to write to.
          value: the duty cycle: between 0 (always off) and 255 (always on).
          Notes and Known Issues
          The PWM outputs generated on pins 5 and 6 will have higher-than-expected duty cycles.
          This is because of interactions with the millis() and delay() functions, which share the same internal timer used to generate those PWM outputs.
          This will be noticed mostly on low duty-cycle settings (e.g 0 - 10) and may result in a value of 0 not fully turning off the output on pins 5 and 6.
          Sets the output to the LED proportional to the value read from the potentiometer.
          int ledPin = 9;      // LED connected to digital pin 9
          int analogPin = 3;   // potentiometer connected to analog pin 3
          int val = 0;         // variable to store the read value
          void setup()
            pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);   // sets the pin as output
          void loop()
            val = analogRead(analogPin);   // read the input pin
            analogWrite(ledPin, val / 4);  // analogRead values go from 0 to 1023, analogWrite values from 0 to 255
      3. Due & Zero only

        • analogReadResolution()

          analogReadResolution() is an extension of the Analog API for the Arduino Due and Zero.
          Sets the size (in bits) of the value returned by analogRead().
          It defaults to 10 bits (returns values between 0-1023) for backward compatibility with AVR based boards.
          The Due and the Zero have 12-bit ADC capabilities that can be accessed by changing the resolution to 12.
          This will return values from analogRead() between 0 and 4095.
          bits: determines the resolution (in bits) of the value returned by analogRead() function. You can set this 1 and 32. You can set resolutions higher than 12 but values returned by analogRead() will suffer approximation. See the note below for details.
          If you set the analogReadResolution() value to a value higher than your board's capabilities, the Arduino will only report back at its highest resolution padding the extra bits with zeros.
          For example: using the Due or the Zero with analogReadResolution(16) will give you an approximated 16-bit number with the first 12 bits containing the real ADC reading and the last 4 bits padded with zeros.
          If you set the analogReadResolution() value to a value lower than your board's capabilities, the extra least significant bits read from the ADC will be discarded.
          Using a 16 bit resolution (or any resolution higher than actual hardware capabilities) allows you to write sketches that automatically handle devices with a higher resolution ADC when these become available on future boards without changing a line of code.
          void setup() {
            // open a serial connection
          void loop() {
            // read the input on A0 at default resolution (10 bits)
            // and send it out the serial connection
            Serial.print("ADC 10-bit (default) : ");
            // change the resolution to 12 bits and read A0
            Serial.print(", 12-bit : ");
            // change the resolution to 16 bits and read A0
            Serial.print(", 16-bit : ");
            // change the resolution to 8 bits and read A0
            Serial.print(", 8-bit : ");
            // a little delay to not hog serial monitor
        • analogWriteResolution()

      4. Advanced I/O

        • tone()

          Generates a square wave of the specified frequency (and 50% duty cycle) on a pin.
          A duration can be specified, otherwise the wave continues until a call to noTone().
          The pin can be connected to a piezo buzzer or other speaker to play tones.
          Only one tone can be generated at a time.
          If a tone is already playing on a different pin, the call to tone() will have no effect.
          If the tone is playing on the same pin, the call will set its frequency.
          Use of the tone() function will interfere with PWM output on pins 3 and 11 (on boards other than the Mega).
          It is not possible to generate tones lower than 31Hz. For technical details, see Brett Hagman's notes.
          if you want to play different pitches on multiple pins, you need to call noTone() on one pin before calling tone() on the next pin.
          tone(pin, frequency)
          tone(pin, frequency, duration)
          pin: the pin on which to generate the tone
          frequency: the frequency of the tone in hertz - unsigned int
          duration: the duration of the tone in milliseconds (optional) - unsigned long
        • noTone()

          Stops the generation of a square wave triggered by tone().
          Has no effect if no tone is being generated.
          NOTE: if you want to play different pitches on multiple pins, you need to call noTone() on one pin before calling tone() on the next pin.
          pin: the pin on which to stop generating the tone
        • shiftOut()

          Shifts out a byte of data one bit at a time.
          Starts from either the most (i.e. the leftmost) or least (rightmost) significant bit.
          Each bit is written in turn to a data pin, after which a clock pin is pulsed (taken high, then low) to indicate that the bit is available.
          if you're interfacing with a device that's clocked by rising edges, you'll need to make sure that the clock pin is low before the call to shiftOut(), e.g. with a call to digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW).
          This is a software implementation; see also the SPI library, which provides a hardware implementation that is faster but works only on specific pins.
          shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, bitOrder, value)
          dataPin: the pin on which to output each bit (int)
          clockPin: the pin to toggle once the dataPin has been set to the correct value (int)
          bitOrder: which order to shift out the bits; either MSBFIRST or LSBFIRST. (Most Significant Bit First, or, Least Significant Bit First)
          value: the data to shift out. (byte)
          The dataPin and clockPin must already be configured as outputs by a call to pinMode().
          shiftOut is currently written to output 1 byte (8 bits) so it requires a two step operation to output values larger than 255.
          // Do this for MSBFIRST serial
          int data = 500;
          // shift out highbyte
          shiftOut(dataPin, clock, MSBFIRST, (data >> 8));  
          // shift out lowbyte
          shiftOut(dataPin, clock, MSBFIRST, data);
          // Or do this for LSBFIRST serial
          data = 500;
          // shift out lowbyte
          shiftOut(dataPin, clock, LSBFIRST, data);  
          // shift out highbyte
          shiftOut(dataPin, clock, LSBFIRST, (data >> 8));
          For accompanying circuit, see the tutorial on controlling a 74HC595 shift register.
          //  Name    : shiftOutCode, Hello World                         //
          //  Author  : Carlyn Maw,Tom Igoe                               //
          //  Date    : 25 Oct, 2006                                      //
          //  Version : 1.0                                               //
          //  Notes   : Code for using a 74HC595 Shift Register           //
          //          : to count from 0 to 255                            //
          //Pin connected to ST_CP of 74HC595
          int latchPin = 8;
          //Pin connected to SH_CP of 74HC595
          int clockPin = 12;
          ////Pin connected to DS of 74HC595
          int dataPin = 11;
          void setup() {
            //set pins to output because they are addressed in the main loop
            pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT);
          void loop() {
            //count up routine
            for (int j = 0; j < 256; j++) {
              //ground latchPin and hold low for as long as you are transmitting
              digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW);
              shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, LSBFIRST, j);  
              //return the latch pin high to signal chip that it
              //no longer needs to listen for information
              digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH);
        • shiftIn()

          Shifts in a byte of data one bit at a time.
          Starts from either the most (i.e. the leftmost) or least (rightmost) significant bit.
          For each bit, the clock pin is pulled high, the next bit is read from the data line, and then the clock pin is taken low.
          If you're interfacing with a device that's clocked by rising edges, you'll need to make sure that the clock pin is low before the first call to shiftIn(), e.g. with a call to digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW).
          Note: this is a software implementation; Arduino also provides an SPI library that uses the hardware implementation, which is faster but only works on specific pins.
          byte incoming = shiftIn(dataPin, clockPin, bitOrder)
          dataPin: the pin on which to input each bit (int)
          clockPin: the pin to toggle to signal a read from dataPin
          bitOrder: which order to shift in the bits; either MSBFIRST or LSBFIRST. (Most Significant Bit First, or, Least Significant Bit First)


          the value read (byte)
        • pulseIn()

          Reads a pulse (either HIGH or LOW) on a pin.
          For example, if value is HIGH, pulseIn() waits for the pin to go HIGH, starts timing, then waits for the pin to go LOW and stops timing.
          Returns the length of the pulse in microseconds or 0 if no complete pulse was received within the timeout.
          The timing of this function has been determined empirically and will probably show errors in shorter pulses.
          Works on pulses from 10 microseconds to 3 minutes in length.
          Please also note that if the pin is already high when the function is called, it will wait for the pin to go LOW and then HIGH before it starts counting.
          This routine can be used only if interrupts are activated. Furthermore the highest resolution is obtained with short intervals.
          pulseIn(pin, value)
          pulseIn(pin, value, timeout)
          pin: the number of the pin on which you want to read the pulse. (int)
          value: type of pulse to read: either HIGH or LOW. (int)
          timeout (optional): the number of microseconds to wait for the pulse to be completed: the function returns 0 if no complete pulse was received within the timeout. Default is one second (unsigned long).


          the length of the pulse (in microseconds) or 0 if no pulse is completed before the timeout (unsigned long)


          int pin = 7;
          unsigned long duration;
          void setup()
            pinMode(pin, INPUT);
          void loop()
            duration = pulseIn(pin, HIGH);
      5. Time

        • millis()

          Returns the number of milliseconds since the Arduino board began running the current program.
          This number will overflow (go back to zero), after approximately 50 days.


          Number of milliseconds since the program started (unsigned long)


          Please note that the return value for millis() is an unsigned long, logic errors may occur if a programmer tries to do arithmetic with smaller data types such as int's.
          Even signed long may encounter errors as its maximum value is half that of its unsigned counterpart.


          unsigned long time;
          void setup(){
          void loop(){
            Serial.print("Time: ");
            time = millis();
            //prints time since program started
            // wait a second so as not to send massive amounts of data
        • micros()

          Returns the number of microseconds since the Arduino board began running the current program.
          This number will overflow (go back to zero), after approximately 70 minutes.
          On 16 MHz Arduino boards (e.g. Duemilanove and Nano), this function has a resolution of four microseconds (i.e. the value returned is always a multiple of four).
          On 8 MHz Arduino boards (e.g. the LilyPad), this function has a resolution of eight microseconds.


          there are 1,000 microseconds in a millisecond and 1,000,000 microseconds in a second.


          Number of microseconds since the program started (unsigned long)


          unsigned long time;
          void setup(){
          void loop(){
            Serial.print("Time: ");
            time = micros();
            //prints time since program started
            // wait a second so as not to send massive amounts of data
        • delay()

          Pauses the program for the amount of time (in miliseconds) specified as parameter.
          (There are 1000 milliseconds in a second.)
          ms: the number of milliseconds to pause (unsigned long)
          int ledPin = 13;                 // LED connected to digital pin 13
          void setup()
            pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);      // sets the digital pin as output
          void loop()
            digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);   // sets the LED on
            delay(1000);                  // waits for a second
            digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);    // sets the LED off
            delay(1000);                  // waits for a second
          While it is easy to create a blinking LED with the delay() function, and many sketches use short delays for such tasks as switch debouncing, the use of delay() in a sketch has significant drawbacks.
          No other reading of sensors, mathematical calculations, or pin manipulation can go on during the delay function, so in effect, it brings most other activity to a halt.
          For alternative approaches to controlling timing see the millis() function and the sketch sited below.
          More knowledgeable programmers usually avoid the use of delay() for timing of events longer than 10's of milliseconds unless the Arduino sketch is very simple.
          Certain things do go on while the delay() function is controlling the Atmega chip however, because the delay function does not disable interrupts.
          Serial communication that appears at the RX pin is recorded, PWM (analogWrite) values and pin states are maintained, and interrupts will work as they should.
        • delayMicroseconds()

          Pauses the program for the amount of time (in microseconds) specified as parameter.
          There are a thousand microseconds in a millisecond, and a million microseconds in a second.
          Currently, the largest value that will produce an accurate delay is 16383.
          This could change in future Arduino releases.
          For delays longer than a few thousand microseconds, you should use delay() instead.
          us: the number of microseconds to pause (unsigned int)
          int outPin = 8;                 // digital pin 8
          void setup()
            pinMode(outPin, OUTPUT);      // sets the digital pin as output
          void loop()
            digitalWrite(outPin, HIGH);   // sets the pin on
            delayMicroseconds(50);        // pauses for 50 microseconds      
            digitalWrite(outPin, LOW);    // sets the pin off
            delayMicroseconds(50);        // pauses for 50 microseconds      
          configures pin number 8 to work as an output pin.
          It sends a train of pulses of approximately 100 microseconds period.
          The approximation is due to execution of the other instructions in the code.
          Caveats and Known Issues
          This function works very accurately in the range 3 microseconds and up.
          We cannot assure that delayMicroseconds will perform precisely for smaller delay-times.
          As of Arduino 0018, delayMicroseconds() no longer disables interrupts.
      6. Math

        • min(x, y)

          Calculates the minimum of two numbers.
          x: the first number, any data type
          y: the second number, any data type
          The smaller of the two numbers.
          sensVal = min(sensVal, 100); // assigns sensVal to the smaller of sensVal or 100
                                       // ensuring that it never gets above 100.
          Perhaps counter-intuitively, max() is often used to constrain the lower end of a variable's range, while min() is used to constrain the upper end of the range.
          Because of the way the min() function is implemented, avoid using other functions inside the brackets, it may lead to incorrect results
          min(a++, 100);   // avoid this - yields incorrect results
          min(a, 100);
          a++;            // use this instead - keep other math outside the function
        • max(x, y)

          Calculates the maximum of two numbers.
          x: the first number, any data type
          y: the second number, any data type
          The larger of the two parameter values.
          sensVal = max(senVal, 20); // assigns sensVal to the larger of sensVal or 20
                                     // (effectively ensuring that it is at least 20)
          Perhaps counter-intuitively, max() is often used to constrain the lower end of a variable's range, while min() is used to constrain the upper end of the range.
          Because of the way the max() function is implemented, avoid using other functions inside the brackets, it may lead to incorrect results
          max(a--, 0);   // avoid this - yields incorrect results
          max(a, 0);
          a--;           //use this instead - keep other math outside the function
        • abs(x)

          Computes the absolute value of a number.
          x: the number
          x: if x is greater than or equal to 0.
          -x: if x is less than 0.
          Because of the way the abs() function is implemented, avoid using other functions inside the brackets, it may lead to incorrect results.
          abs(a++);   // avoid this - yields incorrect results
          a++;          // use this instead - keep other math outside the function
        • constrain(x, a, b)

          Constrains a number to be within a range.
          x: the number to constrain, all data types
          a: the lower end of the range, all data types
          b: the upper end of the range, all data types
          x: if x is between a and b
          a: if x is less than a
          b: if x is greater than b
          sensVal = constrain(sensVal, 10, 150);
          // limits range of sensor values to between 10 and 150
        • map(value, fromLow, fromHigh, toLow, toHigh)

          Re-maps a number from one range to another.
          That is, a value of fromLow would get mapped to toLow, a value of fromHigh to toHigh, values in-between to values in-between, etc.
          Does not constrain values to within the range, because out-of-range values are sometimes intended and useful.
          The constrain() function may be used either before or after this function, if limits to the ranges are desired.
          Note that the "lower bounds" of either range may be larger or smaller than the "upper bounds" so the map() function may be used to reverse a range of numbers, for example
          y = map(x, 1, 50, 50, 1);
          The function also handles negative numbers well, so that this example
          y = map(x, 1, 50, 50, -100);
          is also valid and works well.
          The map() function uses integer math so will not generate fractions, when the math might indicate that it should do so.
          Fractional remainders are truncated, and are not rounded or averaged.
          value: the number to map
          fromLow: the lower bound of the value's current range
          fromHigh: the upper bound of the value's current range
          toLow: the lower bound of the value's target range
          toHigh: the upper bound of the value's target range
          The mapped value.
          /* Map an analog value to 8 bits (0 to 255) */
          void setup() {}
          void loop()
            int val = analogRead(0);
            val = map(val, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
            analogWrite(9, val);
          For the mathematically inclined, here's the whole function
          long map(long x, long in_min, long in_max, long out_min, long out_max)
            return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
        • pow(base, exponent)

          Calculates the value of a number raised to a power.
          Pow() can be used to raise a number to a fractional power.
          This is useful for generating exponential mapping of values or curves.
          base: the number (float)
          exponent: the power to which the base is raised (float)
          The result of the exponentiation (double)
          See the fscale function in the code library.
        • sqrt(x)

          Calculates the square root of a number.
          x: the number, any data type
          double, the number's square root.
      7. Trigonometry

        • sin(rad)

          Calculates the sine of an angle (in radians). The result will be between -1 and 1.
          rad: the angle in radians (float)
          the sine of the angle (double)
        • cos(rad)

          Calculates the cos of an angle (in radians). The result will be between -1 and 1.
          The cos of the angle ("double")
        • tan(rad)

          Calculates the tangent of an angle (in radians).
          The result will be between negative infinity and infinity.
          rad: the angle in radians (float)
          The tangent of the angle (double)
      8. Characters

        • isAlphaNumeric(thisChar)

          Analyse if a char is alphanumeric.
          thisChar: the char to be analysed.
          True or false.
        • isAlpha(thisChar)

          Analyse if a char is is alpha.
          thisChar: the char to be analysed
          True or false.
        • isAscii(thisChar)

          Analyse if a char is ASCII.
          thisChar: the char to be analysed
          True or false.
        • isWhitespace(thisChar)

          Analyse if a char is a white space.
          thisChar: the char to be analysed
          True or false.
        • isControl(thisChar)

          Analyse if a char is a control character.
          thisChar: the char to be analysed
          True or false.
        • isDigit(thisChar)

          Analyse if a char is a control digit.
          thisChar: the char to be analysed
          True or false.
        • isGraph(thisChar)

          Analyse if a char is a printable character.
          thisChar: the char to be analysed
          True or false.
        • isLowerCase(thisChar)

          Analyse if a char is a lower case character.
          thisChar: the char to be analysed
          True or false.
        • isPrintable(thisChar)

          Analyse if a char is a printable character.
          thisChar: the char to be analysed
          True or false.
        • isPunct(thisChar)

          Analyse if a char is punctuation character.
          thisChar: the char to be analysed
          True or false.
        • isSpace(thisChar)

          Analyse if a char is a space character.
          thisChar: the char to be analysed
          True or false.
        • isSpace(thisChar)

          Analyse if a char is a space character.
          thisChar: the char to be analysed
          True or false.
        • isUpperCase(thisChar)

          Analyse if a char is an upper case character.
          thisChar: the char to be analysed
          True or false.
        • isHexadecimalDigit(thisChar)

          Analyse if a char is a valid hexadecimal digit.
          thisChar: the char to be analysed
          True or false.
        • Example

            Character analysis operators
           Examples using the character analysis operators.
           Send any byte and the sketch will tell you about it.
           created 29 Nov 2010
           modified 2 Apr 2012
           by Tom Igoe
           This example code is in the public domain.
          void setup() {
            // Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
            while (!Serial) {
              ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only
            // send an intro:
            Serial.println("send any byte and I'll tell you everything I can about it");
          void loop() {
            // get any incoming bytes:
            if (Serial.available() > 0) {
              int thisChar =;
              // say what was sent:
              Serial.print("You sent me: \'");
              Serial.print("\'  ASCII Value: ");
              // analyze what was sent:
              if (isAlphaNumeric(thisChar)) {
                Serial.println("it's alphanumeric");
              if (isAlpha(thisChar)) {
                Serial.println("it's alphabetic");
              if (isAscii(thisChar)) {
                Serial.println("it's ASCII");
              if (isWhitespace(thisChar)) {
                Serial.println("it's whitespace");
              if (isControl(thisChar)) {
                Serial.println("it's a control character");
              if (isDigit(thisChar)) {
                Serial.println("it's a numeric digit");
              if (isGraph(thisChar)) {
                Serial.println("it's a printable character that's not whitespace");
              if (isLowerCase(thisChar)) {
                Serial.println("it's lower case");
              if (isPrintable(thisChar)) {
                Serial.println("it's printable");
              if (isPunct(thisChar)) {
                Serial.println("it's punctuation");
              if (isSpace(thisChar)) {
                Serial.println("it's a space character");
              if (isUpperCase(thisChar)) {
                Serial.println("it's upper case");
              if (isHexadecimalDigit(thisChar)) {
                Serial.println("it's a valid hexadecimaldigit (i.e. 0 - 9, a - F, or A - F)");
              // add some space and ask for another byte:
              Serial.println("Give me another byte:");
      9. Random Numbers

        • randomSeed(seed)

          randomSeed() initializes the pseudo-random number generator, causing it to start at an arbitrary point in its random sequence.
          This sequence, while very long, and random, is always the same.
          If it is important for a sequence of values generated by random() to differ, on subsequent executions of a sketch, use randomSeed() to initialize the random number generator with a fairly random input, such as analogRead() on an unconnected pin.
          Conversely, it can occasionally be useful to use pseudo-random sequences that repeat exactly.
          This can be accomplished by calling randomSeed() with a fixed number, before starting the random sequence.
          long, int - pass a number to generate the seed.
          no returns
          long randNumber;
          void setup(){
          void loop(){
            randNumber = random(300);
        • random()

          The random function generates pseudo-random numbers.
          random(min, max)
          min - lower bound of the random value, inclusive (optional)
          max - upper bound of the random value, exclusive
          a random number between min and max-1 (long)
          If it is important for a sequence of values generated by random() to differ, on subsequent executions of a sketch, use randomSeed() to initialize the random number generator with a fairly random input, such as analogRead() on an unconnected pin.
          Conversely, it can occasionally be useful to use pseudo-random sequences that repeat exactly.
          This can be accomplished by calling randomSeed() with a fixed number, before starting the random sequence.
          long randNumber;
          void setup(){
            // if analog input pin 0 is unconnected, random analog
            // noise will cause the call to randomSeed() to generate
            // different seed numbers each time the sketch runs.
            // randomSeed() will then shuffle the random function.
          void loop() {
            // print a random number from 0 to 299
            randNumber = random(300);
            // print a random number from 10 to 19
            randNumber = random(10, 20);
      10. Bits and Bytes

        • lowByte(x)

          Extracts the low-order (rightmost) byte of a variable (e.g. a word).
          x: a value of any type
        • highByte(x)

          Extracts the high-order (leftmost) byte of a word (or the second lowest byte of a larger data type).
          x: a value of any type
        • bitRead(x, n)

          Reads a bit of a number.
          bitRead(x, n)
          x: the number from which to read
          n: which bit to read, starting at 0 for the least-significant (rightmost) bit
          the value of the bit (0 or 1).
        • bitWrite(x, n, b)

          Writes a bit of a numeric variable.
          bitWrite(x, n, b)
          x: the numeric variable to which to write
          n: which bit of the number to write, starting at 0 for the least-significant (rightmost) bit
          b: the value to write to the bit (0 or 1)
        • bitSet(x, n)

          Sets (writes a 1 to) a bit of a numeric variable.
          bitSet(x, n)
          x: the numeric variable whose bit to set
          n: which bit to set, starting at 0 for the least-significant (rightmost) bit
        • bitClear(x, n)

          Clears (writes a 0 to) a bit of a numeric variable.
          bitClear(x, n)
          x: the numeric variable whose bit to clear
          n: which bit to clear, starting at 0 for the least-significant (rightmost) bit
        • bit(n)

          Computes the value of the specified bit (bit 0 is 1, bit 1 is 2, bit 2 is 4, etc.).
          n: the bit whose value to compute
          the value of the bit
      11. External Interrupts

        • attachInterrupt()

          The first parameter to attachInterrupt is an interrupt number.
          Normally you should use digitalPinToInterrupt(pin) to translate the actual digital pin to the specific interrupt number.
          For example, if you connect to pin 3, use digitalPinToInterrupt(3) as the first parameter to attachInterrupt.
          Board	Digital Pins Usable For Interrupts
          Uno, Nano, Mini, other 328-based	2, 3
          Mega, Mega2560, MegaADK	2, 3, 18, 19, 20, 21
          Micro, Leonardo, other 32u4-based	0, 1, 2, 3, 7
          Zero	all digital pins, except 4
          Due	all digital pins
          Inside the attached function, delay() won't work and the value returned by millis() will not increment.
          Serial data received while in the function may be lost.
          You should declare as volatile any variables that you modify within the attached function.
          See the section on ISRs below for more information.
          Using Interrupts
          Interrupts are useful for making things happen automatically in microcontroller programs, and can help solve timing problems.
          Good tasks for using an interrupt may include reading a rotary encoder, or monitoring user input.
          If you wanted to insure that a program always caught the pulses from a rotary encoder, so that it never misses a pulse, it would make it very tricky to write a program to do anything else, because the program would need to constantly poll the sensor lines for the encoder, in order to catch pulses when they occurred.
          Other sensors have a similar interface dynamic too, such as trying to read a sound sensor that is trying to catch a click, or an infrared slot sensor (photo-interrupter) trying to catch a coin drop.
          In all of these situations, using an interrupt can free the microcontroller to get some other work done while not missing the input.
          About Interrupt Service Routines
          ISRs are special kinds of functions that have some unique limitations most other functions do not have.
          An ISR cannot have any parameters, and they shouldn't return anything.
          Generally, an ISR should be as short and fast as possible.
          If your sketch uses multiple ISRs, only one can run at a time, other interrupts will be executed after the current one finishes in an order that depends on the priority they have.
          millis() relies on interrupts to count, so it will never increment inside an ISR.
          Since delay() requires interrupts to work, it will not work if called inside an ISR.
          micros() works initially, but will start behaving erratically after 1-2 ms.
          delayMicroseconds() does not use any counter, so it will work as normal.
          Typically global variables are used to pass data between an ISR and the main program.
          To make sure variables shared between an ISR and the main program are updated correctly, declare them as volatile.
          For more information on interrupts, see Nick Gammon's notes.
          attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(pin), ISR, mode);	(recommended)
          attachInterrupt(interrupt, ISR, mode);	(not recommended)
          attachInterrupt(pin, ISR, mode) ;	(not recommended Arduino Due, Zero only)
          interrupt:	the number of the interrupt (int)
          pin:	the pin number	(Arduino Due, Zero only)
          ISR:	the ISR to call when the interrupt occurs; this function must take no parameters and return nothing. This function is sometimes referred to as an interrupt service routine.
          defines when the interrupt should be triggered. Four contstants are predefined as valid values:
          LOW to trigger the interrupt whenever the pin is low,
          CHANGE to trigger the interrupt whenever the pin changes value
          RISING to trigger when the pin goes from low to high,
          FALLING for when the pin goes from high to low.
          The Due board allows also:
          HIGH to trigger the interrupt whenever the pin is high.
          (Arduino Due, Zero only)
          int pin = 13;
          volatile int state = LOW;
          void setup() {
              pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
              attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(pin), blink, CHANGE);
          void loop() {
              digitalWrite(pin, state);
          void blink() {
              state = !state;
          Interrupt numbersInterrupt numbers
          Normally you should use digitalPinToInterrupt(pin), rather than place interrupt an number directly into your sketch.
          The specific pins with interrupts, and their mapping to interrupt number varies on each type of board.
          Direct use of interrupt numbers may seem simple, but it can cause compatibility trouble when your sketch is run on a different board.
          However, older sketches often have direct interrupt numbers.
          Often number 0 (for digital pin 2) or number 1 (for digital pin 3) were used.
          The table below shows the available interrupt pins on various boards.
          Board	int.0	int.1	int.2	int.3	int.4	int.5
          Uno, Ethernet	2	3	 	 	 	 
          Mega2560	2	3	21	20	19	18
          32u4 based (e.g Leonardo, Micro)	3	2	0	1	7	 
          Due, Zero	(see below)
          The Arduino Due board has powerful interrupt capabilities that allows you to attach an interrupt function on all available pins.
          You can directly specify the pin number in attachInterrupt().
          The Arduino Zero board allows you to attach an interrupt function on all available pins except for pin 4.
          You can directly specify the pin number in attachInterrupt().
        • detachInterrupt()

          Turns off the given interrupt.
          detachInterrupt(pin)	//(Arduino Due, Zero only)
          interrupt: the number of the interrupt to disable (see attachInterrupt() for more details).
          pin: the pin number of the interrupt to disable (Arduino Due only)
      12. Interrupts

        • interrupts()

          Re-enables interrupts (after they've been disabled by noInterrupts()).
          Interrupts allow certain important tasks to happen in the background and are enabled by default.
          Some functions will not work while interrupts are disabled, and incoming communication may be ignored.
          Interrupts can slightly disrupt the timing of code, however, and may be disabled for particularly critical sections of code.
          void setup() {}
          void loop()
            // critical, time-sensitive code here
            // other code here
        • noInterrupts()

          Disables interrupts (you can re-enable them with interrupts()).
          Interrupts allow certain important tasks to happen in the background and are enabled by default.
          Some functions will not work while interrupts are disabled, and incoming communication may be ignored.
          Interrupts can slightly disrupt the timing of code, however, and may be disabled for particularly critical sections of code.
          void setup() {}
          void loop()
            // critical, time-sensitive code here
            // other code here
      13. Communication

        • Serial

          Used for communication between the Arduino board and a computer or other devices. All Arduino boards have at least one serial port (also known as a UART or USART): Serial.
          It communicates on digital pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX) as well as with the computer via USB.
          Thus, if you use these functions, you cannot also use pins 0 and 1 for digital input or output.
          You can use the Arduino environment's built-in serial monitor to communicate with an Arduino board.
          Click the serial monitor button in the toolbar and select the same baud rate used in the call to begin().
          The Arduino Mega has three additional serial ports: Serial1 on pins 19 (RX) and 18 (TX), Serial2 on pins 17 (RX) and 16 (TX), Serial3 on pins 15 (RX) and 14 (TX). To use these pins to communicate with your personal computer, you will need an additional USB-to-serial adaptor, as they are not connected to the Mega's USB-to-serial adaptor. To use them to communicate with an external TTL serial device, connect the TX pin to your device's RX pin, the RX to your device's TX pin, and the ground of your Mega to your device's ground. (Don't connect these pins directly to an RS232 serial port; they operate at +/- 12V and can damage your Arduino board.)
          The Arduino Due has three additional 3.3V TTL serial ports: Serial1 on pins 19 (RX) and 18 (TX); Serial2 on pins 17 (RX) and 16 (TX), Serial3 on pins 15 (RX) and 14 (TX). Pins 0 and 1 are also connected to the corresponding pins of the ATmega16U2 USB-to-TTL Serial chip, which is connected to the USB debug port. Additionally, there is a native USB-serial port on the SAM3X chip, SerialUSB'.
          The Arduino Leonardo board uses Serial1 to communicate via TTL (5V) serial on pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). Serial is reserved for USB CDC communication. For more information, refer to the Leonardo getting started page and hardware page.
        • Stream

          Stream is the base class for character and binary based streams. It is not called directly, but invoked whenever you use a function that relies on it.
          Stream defines the reading functions in Arduino.
          When using any core functionality that uses a read() or similar method, you can safely assume it calls on the Stream class.
          For functions like print(), Stream inherits from the Print class.
          Some of the libraries that rely on Stream include :
          • Serial
          • Wire
          • Ethernet Client
          • Ethernet Server
          • SD
          • available()
          • read()
          • flush()
          • find()
          • findUntil()
          • peek()
          • readBytes()
          • readBytesUntil()
          • readString()
          • readStringUntil()
          • parseInt()
          • parsefloat()
          • setTimeout()
        • USB (32u4 based boards and Due/Zero only)